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Canadian Human Rights Commission

If you work in a federally regulated industry and have experienced discrimination based on a prohibited ground because you have been harassed at work, you can file a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) can investigate harassment complaints involving incidents that have taken place within the last twelve months. In some cases, for example if you have been ill for a long period, complaints can be dealt with even if it has been more than 12 months. The incident must have occurred in a federally regulated workplace. Examples of federally regulated workplaces include banks, railways, airlines and radio broadcasters.

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

The Canadian Human Rights Commission can refer a case the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for a hearing to determine if there has been discrimination and, if there has been, what the remedy should be.


When a complaint is made to the Canadian Human rights Commission there are a number of ways it can be dealt with. The Commission can also decide to refer the case the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and there are a number of remedies they can order.

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The Shift Project is funded by the Department of Justice and delivered by the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA).

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