Understanding the remedies that are possible can help you make an informed choice about making a complaint to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission.
If you make a complaint there a number of opportunities for you and the other party to resolve the complaint with or without help from a mediator. To resolve a human rights complaint your employer could agree to:
Provide or have the harasser provide a letter of apology.
An agreement to resolve the issue can be made any time up until a court order is made in the case.
If a complaint to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission is not resolved, the Chief Commissioner can refer the case the Court of King's Bench. If they find your human rights have been violated, the court can order any person to…
Orders the court can make include things like ordering:
This site provides general information about workplace sexual harassment only. It is not a substitute for receiving legal advice about your situation. Apply now to receive 4 hours of free legal advice.
The Shift Project is funded by the Department of Justice and delivered by the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA).