Social Media Policy


Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA) intends to create a social media presence which is informative, helpful and respectful. We expect that individuals accessing our social media content will engage in an appropriate and respectful manner. The following engagement on our social media platforms will not be accepted:

  • Actions that are unlawful, misleading, discriminatory or fraudulent. This includes remarks that PLEA deems racist or sexist.
  • Actions that violate someone else's rights, including their intellectual property rights.
  • Actions that PLEA deems as harassment or bullying.
  • Language that is defamatory, offensive or disrespectful will not be tolerated.


PLEA reserves the right to make decisions regarding such actions. The decisions PLEA makes will be final. Recourse may include:

  • Deleting comments made by users that are deemed to be unacceptable
  • Removing or blocking user(s) from viewing PLEA content

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This site provides general information about workplace sexual harassment only. It is not a substitute for receiving legal advice about your situation. Apply now to receive 4 hours of free legal advice.

The Shift Project is funded by the Department of Justice and delivered by the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA).

Privacy Policy | Social Media Policy