This is a sample complaint form. Your workplace may use a different form or not have a set form for making a complaint.
Even though it may differ in your workplace this sample can help you understand the type of information needed for a complaint.
Phone Number
Work Unit:
Job Title:
Supervisor’s Name:
Supervisor’s Phone Number:
List names of possible witnesses:
Phone Number:
Name of person(s) against whom this complaint is made:
Date of incident:
_ Sexual Orientation
_ Nationality
_ Place of Origin
_ Physical Weight/Height
_ Marital Status
_ Religion
_ Disability
_ Family Status
_ Colour
_ Ancestry
_ Sex
_ Age
_ Creed
_ Race
_ None of the Above
a) Repeated incidents that have caused you to be humiliated or intimidated. Yes___ No____
b) A single serious incident that has had a lasting harmful effect on you. Yes___ No___
c) Sexual Harassment Yes___ No___
In your own words, describe the conduct, comments or display you found objectionable. Give details of date and location of the incident(s) that is/are the basis of your complaint.
What type of resolution do you seek? (e.g., supervisor to direct or counsel person to correct conduct; facilitated meeting with alleged harasser; apology; workshops or training sessions; mediation; or other.)
I hereby confirm the statement(s) contained in this complaint are true to the best of my
knowledge. I understand a copy of this complaint will be provided to the alleged harasser(s) for
the purpose of investigating this complaint.
Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________
I acknowledge receipt of this complaint.
Supervisor’s Signature: ____________________ Date: _______________
This site provides general information about workplace sexual harassment only. It is not a substitute for receiving legal advice about your situation. Apply now to receive 4 hours of free legal advice.
The Shift Project is funded by the Department of Justice and delivered by the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA).