Employers must consult and cooperate with Occupational Health and Safety Committees or Representatives to resolve health, safety and welfare concerns in a timely manner. In workplaces without a committee or a representative, employers must consult directly with workers.
Occupational Health and Safety Committees are required for any workplace with 10 or more employees. Some workplaces with between 5-9 workers are required to appoint an Occupational Health and Safety Representative.
Committees must have at least 2 members and not more than 12 members. Half of the members of the committee must be workers not connected to management.
Members of an committee or a representative are either elected by employees or appointed by a union, if there is one.
Employers are required to post the names of members of the committee or the name of the representative.
Committees and representatives work with employers and workers to help create a healthy and safe work environment, including an environment free from harassment or violence.
The duties of committees and representatives include:
Employers must make sure that committee members or representatives have a reasonable opportunity to...
The committee or representative must be provided time to do the above during regular working hours and without loss of pay or other benefits.
If the employer does not resolve a health and safety issue raised by a committee or representative they must provide the committee or representative with written reasons for not doing so. After this the employer, the committee, any member of the committee or the representative can refer the matter to an Occupational Health Officer.
Federally regulated workplaces
that have 300 or more employees must have a Policy Health and Safety
Committee. If the workplace has between 299 and 20 employees it must
have a Workplace Health and Safety Committee. If there are less than 20
employees there must be Health and Safety Representative.
Duties of committees and representatives in federally regulated workplaces include...
However, committees and representatives cannot investigate an occurrence of violence or harassment. These occurrences are reported to the employer or the person designated in the workplace's Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy.
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The Shift Project is funded by the Department of Justice and delivered by the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA).