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Occupational Health & Safety

Occupational Health and Safety laws help protect workers, and others in the workplace, from harassment and violence.

In Saskatchewan the Occupational Health and Safety section of The Saskatchewan Employment Act and The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations set out the steps that need to be taken by employers, and others in the workplace, to prevent harassment or violence and to respond to it. The Occupational Health and Safety Division of the Government of Saskatchewan administers these laws.

Providing a safe workplace always includes having prevention policies in place, as well as a meaningful process to receive and address complaints regarding harassment and violence of any kind.

Workers and employers in unionized workplaces have the same rights and responsibilities as those in non-unionized workplaces. They may also have additional rights and responsibilities under their collective agreement.

If you work for a federally regulated employer, such as a bank or an airline, you have protections against workplace sexual harassment under the Canada Labour Code and the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations.

This section provides general information about occupational health and safety laws only. The process for dealing with workplace harassment or violence and the consequences for engaging in workplace harassment or violence can vary between workplaces. If need more information you can contact Occupational Health and Safety.

You may also need legal advice. If you have experienced workplace sexual harassment in Saskatchewan you are entitled to up to 4 hours of free legal advice. Learn More

Definition of Harassment

Workplace harassment and workplace violence are defined by occupational health and safety laws. Sexual harassment is specifically included in the definition of workplace harassment.

Duties in the Workplace

Under occupational health and safety laws employers, supervisors and workers all have duties regarding workplace harassment and violence.

Occupational Health & Safety Committees and Representatives

Occupational Health and Safety Committees are required for any workplace with 10 or more employees. Some workplaces with between 5-9 workers are required to appoint an Occupational Health and Safety Representative.

Harassment Prevention Policies

Employers are required have a Harassment Prevention Policy. It must include information about how to make a harassment complaint, as well as a commitment by the employer to take action when there has been workplace harassment.

Violence Prevention Policies

Employers in some workplaces must have a written policy statement and prevention plan to deal with potentially violent situations in the workplace.

Making a Workplace Harassment Complaint

If you have been harassed at work you can make a workplace complaint. Understanding the process for making a complaint can help you as you go through the process and can make it easier to take this step.

Occupational Health & Safety Division's Role

There are a number of ways that Occupational Health Officers can assist both workers and employers dealing with workplace harassment.

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This site provides general information about workplace sexual harassment only. It is not a substitute for receiving legal advice about your situation. Apply now to receive 4 hours of free legal advice.

The Shift Project is funded by the Department of Justice and delivered by the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA).

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