In Saskatchewan, every worker is entitled to employment free of sexual harassment. It may be confusing for workers to determine if something they have experienced is considered workplace sexual harassment or even violence. When workplace sexual harassment or violence has occurred, navigating the different legal options and responses may seem overwhelming. The information on this site can help individuals recognize workplace sexual harassment and understand their options.
The SHIFT PROGRAM is here to help. Anyone who has been sexually harassed at a Saskatchewan workplace or thinks they may have been can receive up to 4 hours of free legal advice. The program is available to individuals of any age or gender, regardless of income. It doesn’t matter how long ago the incident occurred.
You can apply online, or by calling 306-974-3333 (Saskatoon) or 1-855-258-9415 (toll-free), by emailing or by texting 306-994-8422
We offer a variety of workplace harassment prevention print materials, at no charge. Order your copies today!
PLEA offers free online training on preventing and addressing workplace harassment.
Did you know that the ENOUGH ALREADY campaign offers free employment counselling, workshops and educational resources to workplaces across the province about preventing and addressing workplace sexual harassment?
This site provides general information about workplace sexual harassment only. It is not a substitute for receiving legal advice about your situation. Apply now to receive 4 hours of free legal advice.
The Shift Project is funded by the Department of Justice and delivered by the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA).